
Love, Joy and Happiness

“To have and to hold, to love and to cherish”

Congratulations, H & F! And, thank you for inviting me to the 1st Malay's wedding I have ever attended. :)

We were early then coz some of them need to leave earlier before the “bersanding” ceremony at 2pm.

“Bersanding” is a ceremony that begins with the groom’s procession with friends, relatives, musicians and et cetera to meet the bride. Many a time, various good-humored attempts are made to stop the groom from getting to the bride. Which in a way, I think it is quite similar to Chinese’s wedding. *winks*

After all the joy and fun, the “bersanding” ceremony requires the bride and bridegroom to sit together on the bridal couch to be sprinkled with yellow rice and scented water by family members, relatives and guests as a sign of blessing.

Beside being really excited and happy on the special day, the bride was extremely friendly. Haha. She kept asking if we had eaten whenever she saw us that day. (p/s: perhaps we looked really hungry then *gasp*)

Ohhh, noOooo! They didn’t serve my favourite Roti Jala that the bride used to make for us and also not to forget the Ayam Masak Merah!! Special request was then made to the bride, who promises to compensate us in the upcoming Hari Raya open house. *happy*

At the time being, let’s just settled with what we could get first. Hehe.

Can’t wait for end of August 2011 to come. Grins.

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