
Shinjuku Incident + Fast and Furious 4

"A movie a day doesn't help to keep the doctor away," said me. "Bring an apple along to play the trick," my friend replied amusingly.

So, we went for 2 movies over the weekend; Shinjuku Incident on the first night and Fast and Furious 4 the following night.

Movie: Shinjuku Incident

Shinjuku Incident, a movie that talks about the survival and life of groups of asylums in Shinjuku. It is also Jackie Chan’s first move from his “Mr. Nice Guy” image to something more hard-edged and morally ambiguous characteristic, which has been used as an attraction to this movie.

Movie: Fast and Furious 4

Fast and furious 4, another action movie, filmed by Justin Lin, the director of Tokyo Drift (one of my favourites) that talks about speed and crash-boom-bam. Undeniable, this movie is a visual treat in every sense, including girls, cars and speed. It ends not long after the peak of the movie, which makes it less draggy.

Both movies possess their own strengths. Personally, I prefer Fast and Furious 4 over Shinjuku Incident, as later has delivered too many negative messages. What I mean here is not the strong violence, but the viewpoints of the characters in this movie. Characters in Shinjuku Incident have ended up living chaotically all because of their negative mindset. Don't take things for advantage. Life would be happier if they know how to appreciate and be grateful.

I'm thankful =).


  1. I think the apple trick did not work that night, otherwise that t-shirt would have been worn on the correct side..those funny moments which really made our night :)

  2. It was no big deal till I saw your reaction, that was really funny :P
