

LOOK! It is a bird, no it is a plane, NO it is SUPERMAN!

Wait, NO!!! It is really a BIRD. Not one, but two! It is a couple, working hard to build their home sweet home!

This is not the first time we have birds building their nest at our home. But look, this lovely couple was trying to build it at the almost impossible site - the dangling strings from a lamp at our garden. *amazed*

And the progress was definitely not easy for them. They started to work hard since last Saturday. And, when Dad first saw it, he threw away the bits and pieces he found on the strings. Not one time, but two times! GRrr…

(p/s: You must be wondering why did my dad do that to the poor birdies? He had his concerns and worries. The bird’s nest would be right in the middle of our side door once it is done. Hence, it would be an obstruction and Dad was worried that the bird’s nest would be too big and may cause any inconveniences. And Mum was also worried with the mess the birdies may cause. Nonetheless, after much persuasion and knowing the birds are only small little birds, they agreed to let them build their home sweet home at our place! *happy*)

When we thought Dad’s destruction had caused them to give up (as they did not return anymore after 2times of destructions on Saturday!) They were back with more materials on Sunday morning! Yipee~

We were so excited then! Dad commented I looked more excited than the birdies, haha. He also mentioned that the birdies would have a peaceful time doing their home on Monday when there would be no more stalking on them anymore. LOL. Can’t wait to see the favourable results next week when I am back home again, something to look forward to, tsk tsk.

This couple is really two lovely birdies with strong will. They do not fear of challenges. And obstacles have not stopped them from building their dreams at their target place.

We should be determined and fearless in pursuing our goals and dreams, just like these brave birdies. There would be defies and hindrances right ahead awaiting for us no matter what we are doing. That’s life! And that’s part of the learning process, part of our growth!

How you accept the challenges and deal with it is how you are going to shape yourself and your future!

Nothing is impossible as as the word itself says "I'M POSSIBLE!!"

Good luck folks! : )

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